Advanced Usage

This section demonstrates how to accomplish some typical tasks.


Using Quantity Types

We can repeat a calculation similar to the basic usage example using Quantity and QuantityArray. We start by choosing a set of InternalUnits

julia> using Alicorn

julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue() ;

julia> intu = InternalUnits( length=1*ucat.milli*ucat.meter )
 mass unit:               1 kg
 length unit:             1 mm
 time unit:               1 s
 current unit:            1 A
 temperature unit:        1 K
 amount unit:             1 mol
 luminous intensity unit: 1 cd

We can then define the quantities given in the problem

julia> mass = Quantity(2 * (ucat.kilo * ucat.gram), intu)
Quantity{Int64} of dimension M^1 in units of (1 kg):

julia> acceleration = QuantityArray([10 15 20] * ucat.meter * ucat.second^-2, intu)
1×3 QuantityMatrix{Int64} of dimension L^1 T^-2 in units of (1 mm, 1 s):
 10000  15000  20000

and have Julia calculate the required force:

julia> force = mass * acceleration
1×3 QuantityMatrix{Int64} of dimension M^1 L^1 T^-2 in units of (1 kg, 1 mm, 1 s):
 20000  30000  40000

Note that the force has been expressed using the same set of InternalUnits. We decide we would like to express the force in units of kilonewton

julia> force2 = inUnitsOf(force, ucat.kilo * ucat.newton)
1×3 SimpleQuantityMatrix{Float64} of unit kN:
 0.02  0.03  0.04


Alicorn offers broadcasting for most mathematical functions available for quantities. For example,

julia> force ./ force2
1×3 QuantityMatrix{Float64} of dimension 1 in units of (1):
 1.0  1.0  1.0

Custom UnitCatalogue

Empty UnitCatalogue

An empty UnitCatalogue can be initialized by explicitly passing empty lists of prefixes and units to the constructor:

julia> emptyUcat = UnitCatalogue([],[])
UnitCatalogue providing
 0 unit prefixes
 0 base units

Users can then fill the catalogue with custom definitions.

Custom Prefixes

As an example, we define the dozen as a unit prefix. The dozen is not contained in a default UnitCatalogue:

julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue()
UnitCatalogue providing
 21 unit prefixes
 43 base units

julia> providesUnitPrefix(ucat, "dozen")

We define it and add it to the unit catalogue:

julia> dozen = UnitPrefix( name="dozen", symbol="dz", value=12 )
UnitPrefix dozen (dz) of value 1.2e+1

julia> add!(ucat, dozen)
UnitCatalogue providing
 22 unit prefixes
 43 base units

julia> providesUnitPrefix(ucat, "dozen")
Custom unit prefix

It is not required to add a new custom prefix to an existing UnitCatalogue. However, doing so is good practice since a UnitCatalogue can easily be passed to methods (brought into specific scopes) as a whole.

Custom Units

As an example, we define the international mile. The mile is not contained in the default UnitCatalogue:

julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue()
UnitCatalogue providing
 21 unit prefixes
 43 base units

julia> providesUnitPrefix(ucat, "mile")

We define it and add it to the unit catalogue:

julia> mile = BaseUnit( name="mile", symbol="mi", prefactor=1609.344, exponents=BaseUnitExponents(m=1) )
BaseUnit mile (1 mi = 1.61e+3 m)

julia> add!(ucat, mile)
UnitCatalogue providing
 21 unit prefixes
 44 base units

julia> providesBaseUnit(ucat, "mile")
Custom base unit

It is not required to add a new custom base unit to an existing UnitCatalogue. However, doing so is good practice since a UnitCatalogue can easily be passed to methods (brought into specific scopes) as a whole.

Removing a Prefix or Unit

Unit prefixes and named units can be removed one by one from an existing UnitCatalogue:

julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue()
UnitCatalogue providing
 21 unit prefixes
 43 base units

julia> providesUnitPrefix(ucat, "milli")

julia> remove!(ucat, "milli")
UnitCatalogue providing
 20 unit prefixes
 43 base units

julia> providesUnitPrefix(ucat, "milli")

and likewise for a unit

julia> ucat = UnitCatalogue()
UnitCatalogue providing
 21 unit prefixes
 43 base units

julia> providesBaseUnit(ucat, "angstrom")

julia> remove!(ucat, "angstrom")
UnitCatalogue providing
 21 unit prefixes
 42 base units

julia> providesBaseUnit(ucat, "angstrom")

Redefining a Prefix or Unit

The names of prefixes and base units stored in a UnitCatalogue have to be unique. In consequence, to redefine a prefix or unit, it first has to be removed from the catalogue and, subsequently, the newly defined element added.